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Why You Should Consider Participating in National Bike to School Day

May 9th is National Bike to School Day. We are really excited about this great initiative brought to us by the National Center for Safe Routes to School. This is a great opportunity for your family to consider leaving the car in the garage and heading out with pedal power! Here are a few reasons we think you should participate, if it is feasible.

  • Biking to school promotes a healthy lifestyle! Try it for one day and you might find that it’s a lot easier and more fun than you thought it would be. Your kids will see that you don’t have to have a car to get around.
  • Biking to school promotes a healthy environment. Imagine what it could do to our air quaility if we took several hundred cars off the road in your community for a day!
  • Biking to school promotes safe routes. It makes you aware of the hazards along the way (lack of side walks, poorly marked streets, potholes, etc.). When you encounter these things on a bike, you’re more likely to take initiative to see them changed.
  • Biking to school promotes safety. As kids are on the streets with the morning traffic, they will learn the rules of the road and good bike etiquette. Drivers also gain an awareness of bikers promoting overall community safety for bikers. Make sure everyone is wearing a properly fitted helmet!
If you are interested in promoting an event in your community, head on over to theNational Bike to School Day website for resources, then on May 9th, drop by our facebook page to upload your pictures or tell us about your experiences!


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