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Wise Choices

Luigi Liver CrackersWell hey there!

This year I have decided that I’m going to focus on a new healthy habit each month. You know why? Because if you do something every day for an entire month, chances are you won’t even have to think about doing it in the future, it just becomes a habit. This is pretty great, especially when that something is about living OrganWise and making healthy choices. In order to help us track these behaviors each month, Sir Rebrum created tracking sheets to download, print out and hang up at home or in your classroom. Spread the word and let others join in the fun of getting healthy!

This month’s habit is making low-fat choices that are wise. For me, that means low-fat cheese with whole-grain crackers during snack time, fruits and veggies with lunch, and asking my parents to make baked chicken or fish for dinner. All of these foods are low-fat and delicious so they sound like wise choices to me! After you download the behavior tracking sheet from above, make sure and also download the coloring sheet.

Keep livin’ OrganWise,

Luigi Liver

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