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Eat More Whole Grains

Whole grains, an OrganWise Guys Foods of the Month, are a great food to incorporate when wanting to make small tweaks in your diet towards a healthier lifestyle. It’s not such a drastic change, but switching to whole grains will provide you with that all-important fiber, which is essential for healthy digestion.

Here are some interesting facts about whole grains:

  • Whole grains are unprocessed grains such as wheat, corn , rice, oats, barley, quinoa, sorghum, spelt, and rye.
  • The word “whole” in front of a particular grain means that the grain is in its “whole” form and thus has not been refined, which is the process that removes the bran and germ from the grain.
  • Refining a grain makes it less healthy because it removes dietary fiber, iron, and many vitamins.
  • Eating whole grains has been shown to reduce risks associated with obesity, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes.
  • When reading a food label, be sure to read the ingredient list on the package to make sure the word “whole” is listed with the first ingredient (example: whole grain flour).

Try some of our favorite ways to eat more whole grains:


Whole Grain Sandwich Snackers



 Whole Grain Pita Pizzas


ww calzone copy

Whole Grain Calzone

What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate whole grains into your diet?


High Fiber Tips for Good Health

High Fiber tips for good health

We have some high fiber tips for good health just for you! Regularly including fiber in your diet is essential to help fill you up and aid in the process of digestion and ultimately elimination! We aren’t shy about discussing this important matter because we want you to be healthy!

First, here are three simple high fiber tips for good health:


Tip 1: Have a pizza party.

Set up mini stations in your kitchen with whole wheat English muffins, tomato sauce, low-fat cheese, and veggies like broccoli, peppers, tomatoes and onions. Everyone can make his or her own high fiber dinner.

Tip 2: Begin your day with a healthy boost of fiber.

Choose whole grains for breakfast like high fiber cereal, whole grain toast with an egg, or make a smoothie with fiber-rich berries.

Tip 3: Try legumes.

Legumes such as black beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans and lentils are very high in fiber. Add them to salads or soups, or make appetizers with beans for a fiber boost.

Next, watch as the Pirates of the Carrot and Bean search for high fiber treasures:

Now, make sure and download this fiber-themed coloring sheet for the kids:

Coloring Sheet Button

Lastly, you can also visit our shop to view all of the high fiber resources that are available!

Here’s to keeping it moving!