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Football Playoffs

Hey everybody,

Not sure if you all knew, but my football team made the playoffs this year! That’s right, we were headed straight for the championship … until we lost the first playoff game in overtime. It was a heartbreaker. But I figured I had two choices for last weekend, I could sit at home and be bummed, or I could go enjoy the outdoors and watch the next football game. I went with option B, and was glad I did. I got to watch an awesome game, and the team that beat us went on to win. I was rooting for them because if my team had to lose, I’d rather lose to the future champions. It was a good time, and a nice reminder that it’s better to have a good attitude than a bad one. Make sure and download your coloring sheet for today!

Have a great day,

Football PlayoffsHardy Heart


Veteran's Day

Hey everybody,

Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day, a day in which we honor and thank those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. So if you know anyone who has served, be sure to offer them your thanks for protecting our freedom. Without these courageous men and women, we wouldn’t be able to proclaim that America is “the land of the free and the home of the brave!” Make sure to get your Veteran’s Day-inspired coloring sheet for today!

Have a great day,

Veteran' Day FlagHardy Heart


Halloween Safety

Hey everybody,

Tomorrow is Halloween, and we have some OrganWise tips to share with you.

  1. Be sure to look both ways before crossing the street and have an adult with you at all times.
  2. Try not to eat too much candy, as having to cut short trick-or-treating because of an upset stomach is a real bummer.
  3. Don’t forget to say thank you when you get candy. It may feel like you’ve said it a million times, but people appreciate it.
  4. Have fun! You don’t get to dress up in a costume everyday, so enjoy it!

One more thing, make sure and download your coloring sheet and activity sheet!

Have a great day,

OWG_Blog_Art_10-30-14Hardy Heart


Football Anyone?

Hey everybody!

I’m so excited that football season is back in full swing! I have practice during the week, games on Saturday, and plenty of football to watch the rest of the weekend. While I enjoy playing, I also love the feeling of watching my teammates succeed. When our quarterback completes a pass, or a defensive lineman makes a tackle, I’m not just happy because it’s good for our team, but happy that all of our hard work is paying off. If you’re passionate about something, whether it’s sports, music, art, school, writing, volunteering or something else, put in the hard work. Eventually you’ll see the results you’re looking for! Oh and make sure to grab your coloring sheet for today!

Have a great day,

OWG_Blog_Art_9-8-14Hardy Heart


Watermelon and Roller Coasters

Hey everybody,

School may be back in session, but that doesn’t mean the summer fun is completely over. This weekend, a group of us went with our parents to the amusement park downtown. It was a day full of roller coasters, water rides, and over-sized stuffed animals. It was also a day of healthy living. I know, going to a park like that usually means lots of candy and fried foods, but when you’re smart from the inside out like The OrganWise Guys are, you make sure to pack a healthy lunch and snacks to bring with you. We had a parking lot picnic at lunchtime, complete with watermelon slices and celery topped with peanut butter. We had apples and popcorn for snacks throughout the day and of course we couldn’t forget about the water! We were sure to stay hydrated as we waited in line to conquer another coaster. You can always find ways to be healthy, just think OrganWise! While, you’re thinking OrganWise, get your coloring sheet for today!

OWG_Blog_Art_8-25-14Have a great day,

Hardy Heart