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Build Strong Bones in May

May Strong BonesWe continue our series in which we are promoting healthy behaviors to be implemented and tracked for an entire month (and hopefully beyond). The behavior to implement in May is to build strong bones by eating or drinking at least 3 calcium-rich foods each day, along with getting outdoors to play . You can download and print your May Behavior Tracking Sheet and use in your home, classroom, or childcare center to encourage and track behavior change.

We are always posting healthy recipes that are simple and good for the entire family. To help you come up with some healthy calcium-rich food options, try out these OrganWise-approved low-fat dairy snacks and low-fat dairy dinners.

Watch as Calci M. Bone teaches everyone her favorite calcium cheer:

Remember it’s about making small changes in your daily lives that will get you to where you want to be. It’s a marathon … not a sprint, which is a perfect analogy for The OrganWise Guys!

What are some of your favorite calcium-rich foods for building strong bones?



Obesity by the Numbers

We want to talk obesity by the numbers. Obesity, specifically childhood obesity, is consistently in the news these days. Kids are growing up in the technology age, offering a more sedentary lifestyle. Busy families and the convenience of fast food prevents kids from eating healthy meals. What we have found in our 20+ years of working in this arena is that early intervention is key; the younger, the better!


Celebrate Every Kid Healthy Week

We just returned from the Every Kid Healthy Coalition Summit in Washington D.C. It was so great to share ideas and best practices with other like-minded organizations collectively working to help kids live healthier lifestyles.

So, please join us in celebrating Every Kid Healthy™ Week from April 19-25! Launched by our partners at Action for Healthy Kids in 2013, Every Kid Healthy Week is an annual observance when schools, students, parents, and community members come together to recognize their school’s wellness achievements through fun, engaging, and health- focused events. Over 1,000 schools are participating in 2015!

Want to get involved? If you work or are involved with your local school, this is your opportunity to host a super-lively health-promoting event! Events can range from health and wellness fairs, to healthy food taste tests, to fun runs, schools gardens, and more. Make sure to register your event in the Get in the Action Center to promote it and recruit volunteers. Parents, grandparents, and community members, you can get involved too! Just register as a volunteer to find a local event that can use your help. Additional information and resources can be found at EveryKidHealthyWeek.org.

Together, we make a difference in kids’ lives. Join us in taking the Every Kid Healthy Pledge to show your commitment and get the information and free resources you need to create healthier school environments for kids. You can take the Pledge here!

Sunscreen: Teaching Kids Sun Safety

Hola amigos,Madame Muscle Sunscreen

Spring break is here! A vacation to the beach is a great opportunity to teach your kids how important it is to apply sunscreen.

Make sure and let your kids know it is vital to reapply sunscreen when spending long periods of time in the sun and water. Remind them that even if it isn’t very sunny out, and clouds are in the sky, they can still get a sunburn!

Click on the link below to access a FREE and fun coloring sheet reminding kids to apply sunscreen!  Oh and make sure to share this with all of your friends so their kids can be safe in the sun, too!

Adios,Coloring Sheet Button

Madame Muscle