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Guiltless Super Bowl Party Recipes

The big game is tomorrow and undoubtably you are either having a Super Bowl party or attending one. Whether you are hosting or bringing a dish to a friend’s gathering, you can actually make some really tasty AND healthy foods so you aren’t totally indulging for the entire four hours of entertaining football and commercials! Try some of these healthier versions that we have previously shared on our blog for a more guiltless Super Bowl Sunday!

Healthy But Tasty Appetizers – Try some lightened up versions of spinach dip, hummus, and salsa at your party! You can get the tasty recipes here.

“Fit”-tastic Finger Foods – Here are some more starters that won’t spoil your appetite or your diet! Try a butternut squash dip or get some fruit ideas here!

Game Day Go-To Meals – The main dish can even be healthy! Check out our OrganWise versions of mini pizzas, corn and black bean quesadillas, southwestern pepper cups, and whole wheat calzones! You can get all of these yummy recipes here.

So, now you can enjoy the game with less guilt tomorrow!

Let us know if you tried any of these recipes for your party! Which one was your favorite?




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