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6 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day as a Family

Earth day

Tomorrow, April 22, 2015, commemorates the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. People around the world will do their part to help protect the environment. What a great opportunity to educate your kids on some of the simple things that can be done on a daily basis to make a positive impact. This year, make it a goal to celebrate Earth Day in your own way as a family.


Tips for Building a Healthier Easter Basket

We are excited to once again feature Produce for Kids on our blog today! Thank you to Produce for Kids for sharing these great tips for building a healthier Easter basket.

Tips-For-Building-Healthier-Easter-BasketEaster is such a fun holiday for my kids. My four & two year olds love reading books about Easter, what the holiday is about, and of course, the Easter Bunny. Growing up, I remember the joy and excitement when opening my Easter basket. There was always a bag of jellybeans, a chocolate Easter Bunny, and other fun things like coloring books, crayons, or a fun bow for my hair. Then we would go to the backyard and hunt for Easter eggs. Some were eggshells that we dyed with fun colors and others were plastic eggs to open with usually more candy.

With so many holidays centered around candy, I like to focus more on activity and non-food focused treats. Our family likes to talkabout the holiday, dye hard-boiled eggs, and, I have so much fun putting together their Easter baskets. I don’t eliminate candy from their baskets or eggs; instead, I like to focus on moderation. We do something active together as a family, whether it’s going to the park, riding our bikes, or something as simple as chasing bubbles in the yard. Then there is the Easter egg hunt. They have so much fun running around the yard finding all the places Easter eggs may be hidden. As far as what’s inside the eggs and their baskets? I still include a little chocolate bunny and some jellybeans in each, but I also include a lot of non-food treats in their baskets and eggs.

Here’s a list of ideas for packing a healthy Easter basket:

  • Matchbox cars
  • Bubbles
  • A new book they’ve been wanting
  • Coloring books
  • Fun crayons (like glitter or neon crayons)
  • Sticker books
  • Notepads
  • Color wonder markers & paper
  • Various parts of a fun Easter craft they can put together for another activity
  • A small toy they have been asking for

 For the Easter Eggs:

  • Individually wrapped dark chocolate
  • Dried fruit such as raisins, craisins, dried cherries, or other no-sugar added dried fruits
  • Trail mix, like this Pistachio-Chip Trail Mix
  • Grapes
  • Coins (my kids love adding coins to their coin jar)
  • Individual size stickers
  • Seed packets (for starting their vegetable garden)
  • Bouncy balls
  • Lip gloss
  • Erasers (stores have a lot of cute options)
  • Party rings with a giant colorful gem (can be found at your local dollar or craft store)
  • Pretty hair ties or clips for girls

To round out our healthy holiday, we love cooking this Slow Cooker Ham & Pineapple with Roasted Asparagus & Cherry Tomatoes. It’s a great way celebrate the holiday!

This post originally appeared on the Produce for Kids Blog.

PFK_final_logos_webProduce for Kids is a cause marketing company that helps families eat healthier through its promotion of fresh produce, bank of 200+ recipes and blog full of healthy family living tips and advice. Through our partnerships with grocery stores and produce companies, we’ve raised more than $5 million for children’s charities since 2002. Follow Produce for Kids on FacebookTwitterPinterest and Instagram and



St. Patrick's Day Family Fun

St. Patrick’s Day is once again upon us, and since we liked our “green” ideas from last year so much, we thought we would share them again this year. Green is definitely a favorite OrganWise Guy color (think fresh, yummy greens) so we certainly enjoy celebrating this holiday!


5 Sweet, Sugarless Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day

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Valentines-Day-Dessert-1024x678Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and if you are still trying to figure out what you can do for your kiddos, look no further. We realize the holiday is typically met with sugar, chocolate and more sugar, but hopefully, you can reduce the sugar intake and celebrate love instead!


Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.

We like to share the following ideas each year as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service comes around. It was created not just as a bonus day off of school or extra vacation day for the lucky, but as a day for the country to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by getting out and serving their communities. If you and the kids have the day off, it’s a perfect time to teach the importance of giving back to the community by getting involved and helping others out.
