(800) 786-1730 [email protected]

Meet Our OrganWise Moms

Entrepreneurs, businesswomen, negotiators, event speakers, wives and moms. These are some of the terms that have been used to describe our founders, Michelle Lombardo and Karen McNamara. Of all the roles they’ve taken on in the past twenty years, none has been quite as challenging (or rewarding) as the role of ‘mom.’ We all know what it’s like to try to raise healthy kids while managing a very busy life, so starting this month, we are launching a new feature for our blog – Tips from Our House. Every Tuesday, we’ll share some of the lessons our whole team has learned along the way. We don’t claim to be perfect; we’ve struggled just like everyone else but we are excited to share our lessons with you and to hear your feedback along the way! (more…)

Celebrating 20 Years

Did you know that The OrganWise Guys are turning 20 in January of 2013? You may wonder why we’re mentioning that now, almost a year early. We think it’s such a big deal that we’ve decided to celebrate the entire year leading up to our anniversary! We know that many of you have shared this journey with us and we’d love to hear your story this year. Check back here and on our facebook page to find out ways to connect with us, win fabulous twenty anniversary prizes and even find out what our goals are before we reach that golden anniversary!


Holiday Traditions from the OWG Family – Michelle

If you’ve had a chance to meet Dr. Michelle Lombardo, the President of our company, you know that she lights up when she talks about her family! With Christmas just around the corner, her boys will be heading home, so here’s what happens at the Lombardo household on Christmas. (more…)