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New Life Seasons Bring New Traditions

As the temperatures cool, the ‘great outdoors’ become even more inviting. Except for someone like me who grew up in a household thatcentered around the big three – football, baseball and basketball. With both college and professional football games ALL weekend, baseball moving into the post-season and the NBA season kicking off at the end of October, I could easily find myself in channel surfing nirvana on those two days instead of enjoying this incredible season with MY star players, my kids. (more…)

Why Family Mealtime Conversations Matter to Us

With so many activities vying for family time, one thing we do not budge on is family dinnertime. At least six nights a week we are all together at the supper table and, although the meal may not get Martha Stewart’s presentation approval, the conversation is always the main dish. (more…)

Breakfast on the Go!

Both of my kids are old enough to get their breakfast ready in the morning, however, they are indeed teenagers! This means that the majority of the time, they waituntil the last minute presenting the need for a quick, healthy, and nutritious breakfast.  We’ve come up with a couple yummy solutions that fill Pepto, the stomach and get Sir Rebrum ready for the day. (more…)

Letting Kids Take Ownership of Their Lunches

I recall opening up my Holly Hobby lunchbox in the school cafeteria and thinking, “Oh man, I really wantedbologna and cheese today instead of this!” So I told me mom that I’d really like to start making my own lunch – if that was okay with her! “What a GREAT idea!” she said without the slightest hesitation. Little did I know that I was letting us both off of the hook! (more…)

Lessons I Learned As a Gymnast

As I sat and watched the women’s gymnastics Olympic Trials late last night after everyone else in my family had gone to sleep, I was quickly hooked, excited and nervous all at the same time. I knew I had to be able to focus 100% on the television and if I tried to watch with other members of my family, I would have too many distractions. This was serious stuff! (more…)