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How a Trampoline Can Be Good For Your Health


Wellness Wednesday stacked

OrganWise Andrew here! I’m back with an all new activity that you may want to add to your exercise repertoire! I was fortunate enough to have a trampoline in my backyard throughout my childhood. While there was plenty of fun to be had on one trampoline, I had heard stories of trampoline parks that contained wall-to-wall trampolines. It only took me 25 years to find one, but I finally did. Here in Georgia, there are several chains of trampoline parks that not only have wall-to-wall trampolines, they even have trampolines ON the walls!

I was excited to get jumping and, while l felt like a kid again, the stamina was certainly not where it once was. This was the most exhausting activity I’ve done since playing team sports! While I was bouncing I didn’t realize how tired I was. However, once I stopped, it would hit me like a ton of bricks. Windy, the lungs was struggling! This made me realize that I need to make sure I pamper Windy and Madame Muscle a whole lot more by taking them out to exercise. I never realized just how good a trampoline could be for my health!

I would love to hear more about how you take care of Windy, the lungs and Madame Muscle. Will you share with me your activities so I may try them?

OrganWise Andrew Indoor Trampoline

Bite Size Movie Review: Empowering Kids is Key

We recently watched the new childhood obesity documentary, Bite Size, featuring four children, Davion (12), Emily (13), Moy (11) and Keanna (13), who are facing the challenges and struggles of being an overweight child. Emily lives in Orlando, Florida, Moy lives in Los Angeles, California, and Keanna and Davion live in the Mississippi Delta. Each one experiences some form of disrespect and ridicule due to their size, which is disheartening.

Bite Size shows the environments in which each of these children have been raised and how it has affected them. Working in the trenches of childhood obesity ourselves, the surroundings and upbringings of these kids is not a surprise. Unfortunately, poor areas are often also food deserts and healthy food options are not available. Fast food is the go-to because it’s convenient and inexpensive. Even in more affluent areas, like we see with Emily, there is access to healthier food options but the family enjoys eating fast food because it is cheap and quick.

The other glaring factor in all of the kids’ lives, was the influence their families and other authoritative adults had on them. It was very eye-opening to see just how much the parents are impacting their child’s lives simply by how they act and how they talk to them. Most obese children suffer from low self esteem and lack of confidence in themselves. The feeling of not being good enough. Sadly, they hear a lot of these comments from their parents.

As was evidenced in the movie, it’s also difficult when parents or caregivers are not modeling the appropriate eating behaviors and lifestyles the children need to be healthier, which sends a contradictory message. It was great to see the parents come around at the end and realize the influential role and responsibility they have in their children’s lives. On another positive note, it was also inspiring to see the coaches and school personnel committed to helping these kids and taking the time to educate them and help them feel good about themselves.

The conclusion drawn from watching Bite Size and from our own work with children, is that empowering kids with the proper knowledge, filling up their cup with positivity, and teaching them that they can amount to something, is essential in helping them to become self-responsible, self-worthy and confident individuals. Also, as shown in the movie, tapping into the specific interests of these kids and incorporating healthy and active lifestyles that way, is vital in helping them to develop long-term healthy habits.

We strongly recommend watching Bite Size to see the reality of this childhood obesity epidemic and how little steps along the way can make a huge impact. We also say, the earlier the better … get the kids educated on the importance of healthy eating and exercise from an early age. We fully support the movement to empower kids and families to be healthy and smart from the inside out!

Props to Bite Size for bringing this important issue front and center!

Empowering Kids


American Diabetes Association Alert Day


Today we wanted to share something that Peter Pancreas feels very strongly about! Thanks to the American Diabetes Association for this very helpful information:

American Diabetes Association Alert Day® is a “wake-up call” asking the American public to take the Diabetes Risk Test to find out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. This year, during the Association’s 75th anniversary, Alert Day kicks off today (March 24th) and continues through Tuesday, April 21st. The 2015 theme is: Take it. Share It. Step Out.


Post-Baby Fitness Journey Update: Two Month Progress

From our House

by Maria White

If you’ve been following our blog lately, you’re aware that I’ve been working on getting back into shape following the birth of my third child. I’m not the most patient person when it comes to obtaining a fitness goal and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I want to see the results of my hard work instantaneously. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Instead, it’s about staying committed to a goal despite how daunting it may seem. Last month I focused on my nutrition and mixed in a little exercise, while this month I have not only committed to healthy eating, but to working out more intensely. I’m happy to report that I’ve lost another 5.5 pounds, which is always a good feeling.


Exploring New Ways to Exercise

Wellness Wednesday stacked exercise

OrganWise Andrew is back to share with you one of my latest finds as I have been exploring some fun ways to exercise. It can be difficult being in a new city (that’s not known for its outdoor lifestyle), to find enjoyable, recreational activities that challenge you physically. This past weekend I decided to try something different that I have never done before as some friends asked me to go indoor rock climbing. I was skeptical but decided to try it out anyway. You would never believe how challenging tRockwall Climbing Exercisehese artificial climbing walls can be! We climbed several indoor walls for a few hours and were completely worn out when we left. It was such a great feeling to diversify my active lifestyle with a fun, new challenge. You should try it for sure, I highly recommend it!


What are some of  your favorite, non-typical activities that you like to do for exercise?