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Planning a Healthy Summer

Summer is upon us and if you’re like most families, your busy juggling a whole different set of schedules. Summer offers us a break from the mundane of the school-year but it also can make us a little crazy. Here are a few tips to make a plan for a healthy summer:

  • Map it out. Get a big 3-month calendar and write all your camps, events, vacation days and other special activities on the calendar. If you are a visual person, you may want to color code the activity by child.
  • Print it out. Take a few hours and print out everything you need for all of your camps, trips and activities. Create folders for each activity with permission slips, driving directions, schedules, and things to bring. Organize your folders by activity date. Go ahead and fill out any needed forms and make a shopping list for items you’ll need by week. This will help you avoid that frantic feeling of “I forgot something” right before a new activity begins.
  • Plan it out. What are the open spaces on your calendar? Plan some special family times, whether it’s an evening at the park, an outdoor movie or time with other families in your community. This will help with the “I’m bored and there’s nothing to do” syndrome your kids may have.
  • Prep it. Plan out your weekly meals and take some time at the beginning of each week to clean and chop fruit and veggies for quick and healthy snacks throughout the day.

What are ways that you are planning for a healthy summer?  Share them here on our blog or on our faceook page!WellnessWednesday

Five Ways to Use the Grocery Store as a Teaching Tool

It’s the dreaded trip to the supermarket. Most of us try to avoid dragging the kids down the aisles; preferring to dart in and out during moments alone. Although it takes more work and time, the grocery store can be a great tool to teach kids how to make healthy choices. Here are five tips to get you started. (more…)

Why You Should Consider Participating in National Bike to School Day

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