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Five Fun Fitness Trends for Kids

We’re just a few weeks into the new year and for many of us those fitness resolutions are starting to fade. One of the challenges for busy families is the juggling of schedules, especially when everyone has a different fitness routine. The good news is, there are a lot more ways that parents and their kids can connect over fitness this year. Here are five of our favorites for 2013. (more…)

Surviving the Holiday Break

It’s here, the most wonderful time of the year … Christmas vacation! The time when parents set their stopwatch to see how long it takes their child to say, “I’m bored.” So this year, be proactive with your holiday plans. Here are some of our favorite ideas to fight the boredom. (more…)

10 Ideas to Get Moving During the Thanksgiving Holiday

  1. Organize a flag football game on Thanksgiving Day.
  2. Walk to the market for that item you forgot (if it’s less than a mile away).
  3. Participate in a ‘Turkey Trot.’ Check your local race calendar to register.
  4. Take a family walk after the big meal.
  5. Do a yoga DVD to unwind after the stress of the day.
  6. Do some early morning stretches to warm up for your mall run on black Friday!
  7. Do some turkey bowling.
  8. Take a family bike ride (if the weather is good).
  9. Conduct a dance party for those little kids that love to dance!
  10. Go to a Christmas tree farm to cut down your own tree.

Walk or Bike to School

Last week was National Walk to School and Bike to School Day but the challenge to walk or bike to school continues all month long! Not everyone is in asituation where they get their child to school on a bike or by walking but if it is an option, we’d like to challenge you to consider trying it. Even though it  takes some planning and creative balance to your schedule, there are both physical and mental benefits. (more…)