Halloween is always a favorite time for kids. Between the costumes and candy (sigh) that come with the spooky holiday, there is an excitement that comes out in kids this time of year. In the past, we have shared some fun ways to make Halloween more of a healthy holiday.
Here are some of our favorite healthy Halloween ideas:
Candy Donation – We are all about a good cause; especially if it means less candy for kids! Operation Gratitude sends the candy surplus to military men and women overseas. This is a favorite idea that we recommend each year!
OrganWise Pumpkin Carving Templates – Download and print images of your favorite OrganWise Guys and pin them on your pumpkin to carve. Having an OrganWise pumpkin could be a great reminder for kids to make healthier choices when it comes to their candy rations. Once you are done carving, cook up those yummy pumpkin seeds and enjoy!
OrganWise Costumes – It’s always fun to see the original and innovative costumes that come about during Halloween, but nothing makes us more giddy than seeing people dressed up as The OrganWise Guys! Over the years, we’ve received pictures from some of our fabulous educators who take creativity to the next level by dressing up as The OrganWise Guys. Check out the unique ways the organs have been brought to life and make your costume an OrganWise one!
Healthy Halloween Yogurt – Surrounded by candy this time of year? Instead of the candy overload, try making this alternative and healthier treat that includes pumpkin and Greek yogurt. Your kids will even like it, too! Yum!
If you are loving the pumpkin flavor this fall season, try having this pumpkin yogurt dip with some apple slices. It really makes for some great seasonal tastes!
What are your favorite ways to make Halloween a healthy one?