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Teach Kids to Smile

OWG_Blog_Art_10-19-15It’s amazing how one small gesture can make a lasting impact on someone’s day. Whether you intend to or not, simply smiling at someone can potentially set or change a mood. You don’t know what everyone is facing each and every day and so sometimes smiling at a stranger or smiling to let someone you know that you understand can go a long way.

It’s important to teach kids to smile early on and introduce them to this concept of helping to make someone’s day just a little bit better with that small gesture. Peri Stolic realizes that simply changing her attitude and smiling throughout the day had such a positive impact on her overall mood and day.

Download today’s coloring sheet to teach kids to smile and see how Peri Stolic realizes the impact a smile can have on someone:



Halloween Safety Tip

OWG_Blog_Art_10-15-15As we mentioned earlier this month, we’ve already got Halloween on our minds even though it’s not until the end of the month. There are so many things that can be done to prepare for the trick or treating experience. The main priority for this night should be safety.

Being the smart brain that he is, Sir Rebrum knows how important it is for kids to be safe on Halloween night, so he recommends this halloween safety tip for all families.

Download the coloring and activity sheet today to see what halloween safety tip Sir Rebrum is recommending:



Teach Kids the Importance of Hydration

Kidney Brothers - teach kids the importance of hydrationIt’s pretty well understood by most that during the super hot and steamy months, drinking plenty of water is essential in preventing dehydration. With the cooler temps rolling in, the feeling of thirst when playing outside or competing in outdoor sports is less prevalent. Therefore, it’s vital to teach kids the importance of hydration all year long so that they continue to drink enough water despite feeling less thirsty in the colder temperatures.

Kids need to realize that our bodies still need the same amount of water to function properly and stay healthy. The Kidney Brothers are happy to teach kids the importance of hydration through a fun football analogy.

Download the football-inspired coloring sheet to help teach kids the importance of hydration:






Happy Hydrating!

Apple Taste Test and Interesting Facts

Apple taste test

Happy National Apple Month! Apples are also an OrganWise Guys Foods of the Month, and the perfect food for the fall. They are such a versatile food and can be used in anything from salads to desserts.

Here are some interesting apple facts:

  • Americans eat about 120 apples apiece each year!
  • Apples are nutritious because they contain lots of fiber, vitamins C, B6, and A, and potassium, as well as antioxidants.
  • There are about 2500 known varieties grown in the United States.
  • 36 states grow them with Washington, New York, Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, and Virginia being the top production states.
  • Most are available all year round and are a perfect take-along snack anytime!
  • Apples don’t require peeling so eat the skin because it contains healthy nutrients.

Try introducing several different apple varieties to kids using this interactive apple taste test worksheet. Taste testing is a really fun way to introduce new foods to kids where they may typically be more close minded about trying new things.

We would love to hear about your at-home taste tests! Share with us how it went and include any pictures of the finished worksheets on our Facebook page!





Wear Comfortable Shoes on Halloween

OWG_Blog_Art_10-8-15It’s the beginning of October, but definitely not too early to be talking about Halloween. Kids anticipate this holiday for weeks; talking all about their costumes, and of course the sweet treats that are passed out. With all the excitement of Halloween, it’s important to remember that there are some things to consider to make sure kids are prepared and safe on the big night.

We will share a few trick or treating tips throughout the month and the first one is to make sure and wear comfortable shoes. While a costume may call for some crazy shoes, make sure to consider that there will be a lot of walking going on and the kids need to be comfortable.


Download the fun coloring and activity sheets that encourage kids to wear comfortable shoes on Halloween night:





